3D F1 interactive car

Formula 1 Exhibition (Toronto)

Mission Challenge.

  • Date: May 2024
  • Client: F1
  • Location: Toronto, Canada

The F1 car is the star of the exhibition. The aim is to present its history, architecture and the advanced technology that underpins it, awakening in visitors a desire to delve deeper into its world.

Touch Down.

Modelling the car, programming the app architecture, communicating the car with animations, integrating content and hotspots.

At Scott & Irwin, we propose to digitise the F1 car of the Design Lab and make it explorable and interactive in 3D, going deeper into its different parts and adding hotspots, content, images and videos.

All this will be displayed on a 65′ multi-touch screen with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that will facilitate the control of the assistants over the car.

Scope of the impact.

To learn about the different parts of a professional Formula 1 vehicle, giving the opportunity to get to know each component and learn about the evolution, advances and techniques used.