
F1 Reaction game

Formula 1 Exhibition (Toronto)

Mission Challenge.

  • Date: May 2024
  • Client: F1
  • Location: Toronto, Canada

Bringing the social media reaction game to the exhibition with an effective set-up that will engage most visitors and make them beat themselves and their friends.

Touch Down.

With a simple setup of 2 red buttons and a content screen simulating the start of the race, participants took part in the initial traffic light sequence from red light to green light with 2 cars ready to start from the driver’s perspective.

The game is a 1 player mode with 2 game stations. Players can see their reaction time and the best times of all participants are displayed.

Scott & Irwin provide the buttons and the board to hold them.

Scope of the impact.

More than 75,000 interactions in one month.